Saturday, October 17, 2009


Letus Corporation sent a new adapter for half the price of what they sell their adapter due to a small malfunction with the adapter (it would have cost $250 more than what the half price of the adapter was) and since it's a new adapter, it has a six month warranty in case it breaks or gets damaged.

We've been shooting scenes with Keith McMahon and today we shot with Keith and Bruce for their segment to explain who they are, etc. We shot down by the beach area west of Webb Institute. Trying to expand their characters to show they're drinkers and good friends. Bruce actually drank about six bottles of beer in fifteen minutes or so while shooting - he's a huge guy, and very tall - about 6'8" so he didn't feel any effects from that.

We are shooting again possibly tomorrow (Keith Scenes) as well as next weekend with Bruce, Keith Dunn and Keith McMahon to wrap up those sequences. More updates coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear about you getting your adaptor troubles sorted. Good luck on filming, Scott! Keep on rolling.

