Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weekend Shoot...

Plans are to shoot some new scenes this weekend with a few new actors who I have yet to work with.

Chris has been extremely busy and I might re-shoot some in-depth interviews with Kelly Karavites and Tristan Spirit in mid-October. It's been so long since I've shot with them both. Must have been around May when we had to change the story of the film around due to issues with scheduling but I am glad we could get past that and one, focus on the new story, and two, get them both involved as members of the Militia.

Getting "Mr. Mullen" ready for Sunday. The deadline is early next week and am working with Mark on finalizing some of the music for the film which is really coming along well. There was this scene we were going to include in the film that was a dream scene involving Chris and the characters he witnesses during the first half of the film, but I felt the Hillary Mullen speech fit better in that small section rather than the dream sequence which didn't feel finished just yet. So we're more than likely going to use the dream sequence for "The Militia 15". The issue with it this time around was that I needed to still add a slight fog filter to the dream sequence and didn't have the time or filter in Final Cut Pro to do that so I decided to use the Hillary Mullen speech instead.

Hopefully Sunday we'll be able to shoot some more scenes with Chris to start wrapping up his scenes for the film within the next three to four weeks.

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