Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Chris Margaritis has been slammed with work in the past seven days so we have not been able to trek out to Montauk to shoot the final scenes at Camp Hero that involve Chris and the other characters. There is still a lot to get with the film and everyday I am getting new ideas.

So the focus has been on finished "Mr. Mullen" with Mark Nadolski which is coming along very well. The score is a retro 80's type of score through synth sounds and I'm really happy without the outcome so far. We've also been working in sections and that's given more freedom for both myself and Mark to really focus on certain scenes that are bunched up into each section and to have something that we can play around with when I still have an unedited scene or two that still needs a few shotes (for example, the dream scene Chris' character has - I'm planning on adding more to the dream scene and if I had sent Mark that scene it would already have been scored and no changes would have been able to be made).

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